15. The Besnard Lakes 3/27 @ The Jackpot Saloon
Although this was a show where they opened up for someone that isn't nearly as talented as them, it still was a memorable show. Although they sounded a little bit tighter when they opened for Peter Bjorn and John last month, seeing a band play at the Jackpot is always going to be a more enjoyable experience. The Besnard Lakes are going to end up very high on my best albums of '07 as well.
14. The Black Angels/Vietnam 4/19 @ The Bottleneck
This was one of the better concert pairings of recent memory. Vietnam and The Black Angels sounds and looks are both trapped in previous decades and not in a bad way. Vietnam may not have been amazing but they were solid live. The Black Angels however were loud and intense as always and if this show hadn't been an early one, it might have ended up a bit higher on the list.
12. Cold War Kids 3/04 @ The Bottleneck
Although I got tired of Cold War Kids latest record, Robbers & Cowards, pretty quickly, they put on an amazing live show. The absolutely tore up a sold out Bottleneck show. They are one band I would make sure I caught live again, regardless of my opinion of their records.
11. Dr. Dog/What Made Milwaukee Famous 3/10 @ The Bottleneck
10. Neko Case 4/06 @ Liberty Hall
I will pay good money to see Neko Case sing in any capacity; Opening for Rufus Wainwright, playing with The New Pornographers and of course in her headlining shows. Neko has the best female voice in country music since Patsy Cline.
9. Ryan Adams & The Cardinals 10/02 @ The Uptown Theater (
Review Here)
8. Dan Deacon/Video Hippos 6/29 @ The Jackpot Saloon
If you've ever read about a Dan Deacon show, from my experience I can attest to the fact that what you read is probably true. Deacon's shows are a party and no matter who you are it's impossible not to dance and it's impossible not to have an amazing time.
7. Midlake/Minus Story 10/03 @ The Jackpot (
Review Here)
6. Explosions in the Sky/Paper Chase/Eluvium 3/31 @ The Bottleneck
The Explosions in the Sky show officially wins the title for the most crowded I have ever seen The Bottleneck. Eluvium was okay, but were kind of easy to ignore. Paper Chase were MUCH better than the crap show they had played at Jackpot a few months earlier. Explosions in the Sky were one of the best live bands I've seen in a while. If you have an opportunity to see them, don't miss it.
5. Wilco/Andrew Bird 10/13 @ The Crossroads (
Review Here)
4. Hot Chip/Tortoise 6/16 @ The Granada
Hot Chip and Tortoise weren't even on tour together when this show occurred. I can only assume that they both happened to be coming through town at the same time and decided to share a billing. Tortoise bored the crap out of me but Hot Chip more than made up for it. Hot Chip may be the geekiest looking band I have ever seen, but they put on a hell of a dance party as well.
3. Battles 7/10 @ The Record Bar
A Battles show is definitely a treat. Seeing the intricate music they make performed live is impressive considering how much there is going on with only four members. Watching drummer John Stanier play may be worth the ticket price alone. Look for Battles album to be very high on my '07 list as well.
2. TV on the Radio/Subtle 3/17 @ The Voodoo Lounge
My third time getting to see TV on the Radio play in the span of a year was the best show of the three. As a live band TVOTR has grown by leaps and bounds and can now really surpass the intensity of their records. Having Subtle open was icing on the cake. Avant-garde rapper Doseone's "rock" outfit were the perfect pairing with TVOTR and they helped make this the second best show of the year.
1. Arcade Fire/LCD Soundsystem 9/28 @ Starlight Theatre (
Review Here)